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The 20 best white cocktails for any occasion

On a planet full of colorful drinks, the incredible white cocktails It will fit any occasion.

And from coconut and white chocolate to banana, they are beyond exquisite!

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During the holidays and in the middle of summer, nothing better than a good cocktail.

They are pleasant, fresh and festive throughout the year.

So whether you're poolside or curled up next to the fire, you need to try these white cocktails.

Te encantarán los sabores amenos y de qué forma destacan las guarniciones en tus fotografías. Además de esto, ¡todos son bastante simples asimismo!

20 Simple White Cocktails from Martinis to Margaritas

El Universo tradicional es de forma fácil amado. ¡Mas este giro helado es igualmente sabroso y se ve bien elegante para arrancar!

Harás un simple cambio para llevarlo de bonito en rosa a un país de las maravillas invernal. ¿Puedes adivinar qué es?

White Cranberry Juice!

Simply shake it up with vodka, lime and Cointreau, then add a splash of ginger syrup for a spicy touch.

And for an extra unique finish, try adding edible glitter for a sparkling cocktail that's perfect for parties.

Este coctel es la bebida terminante para tras la cena. Es suave, mantecoso y tiene un sabor fantástico.

Most espresso martinis require espresso (obviously) and vodka.

But this one features Disaronno Velvet, an exquisite cream liqueur with notes of almond, chocolate and vanilla.

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Add a little Kahlua to the end of the coffee and that's it.

Garnish with a chocolate covered strawberry for even more decadence.

The White Lady cocktail is very simple and exquisite, with light citrus flavors that go down smoothly.

If you like cocktails with gin, this will surely become your new favorite.

Comienza con tu ginebra preferida, entonces añade un tanto de Contreau. Exprima un tanto de jugo de limón fresco para darle un toque agrio y endulce el trato con jarabe simple.

Finally, shake it with egg whites for a fluffy, foamy texture.

The Sgroppino is an Italian frozen cocktail made with only 3 ingredients.

Think of it as a Prosecco slushie with a splash of vodka and a nice splash of lemon sorbet for flavor.

Es una genial forma de refrescarse en un día caluroso y no podría ser más simple de preparar. ¡Así que sírvelo en bonitos vasos y prepárate para los vítores!

Soy un entusiasta de las tartas de crema de plátano. Esa textura dulce y mantecosa con sabor a plátano es para morirse.

So you know I made this banana cocktail right away!

The Desnarigada rum and banana liqueur make this a divine cocktail, and the vanilla wafer rim is too pleasant to suppress.

Add some fluffy whipped cream before serving and enjoy!

¿No estás de humor para un enorme postre mas deseas algo dulce? ¿Qué tal este exquisito coctel de postre?

This white cake martini uses a mix of sinfully sweet spirits to achieve that signature anniversary cake flavor.

You will need vanilla vodka, white chocolate liqueur, clear creme de cacao and Amaretto.

But the real magic happens when you add real cake mix and half and half.

Los cócteles de Navidad blanca son idóneos para tomar al lado de la chimenea. Y esta exquisita bebida congelada es mentolada, mantecosa y una auténtica maravilla de invierno.

Irish cream and peppermint cream are an amazing duo that goes together surprisingly well.

Top your glass with a sprig of rosemary and some bright red cranberries, and it's perfect.

This coconut margarita is indelible and will instantly take your next Taco Tuesday to a whole new level.

La lima refulgente y picante ya combina bien con el tequila valiente. Mas cuando añades crema dulce de coco, te espera una exquisitez tropical.

Esta margarita es el epítome del verano y va a poner una sonrisa en la cara de cualquiera. Es el coctel ideal para tomar al lado de la piscina o para acompañar tus tacos preferidos.

Break out those tall glasses and get ready for a nice, fizzy drink.

El gin fizz es mantecoso con un sabor refulgente y cítrico. Utilizarás jugo de limón y lima a fin de que sea agradable y picante con un agradable equilibrio entre lo ácido y lo dulce.

Meanwhile, the orange blossom water gives it a captivating floral note that tastes really good with gin.

A little cream balances the tart citrus, and the egg whites give it a plush foam on top.

Finally, a splash of sparkling water adds enough bubbles to tickle your nose.

El pisco es la bebida nacional del Perú. Es un brandy de uva que hace bebidas súper refrescantes, como esta receta ácida.

Shake some pisco with simple syrup and lime juice, then add egg whites to get the characteristic tart foam on top.

Finish this cocktail with a few drops of Angostura bitters and you will have a complex, refreshing and tasty drink in no time.

Durante las vacaciones, los cócteles mantecosos son mis preferidos. Y, como es lógico, el ponche de huevo está en la parte superior de la lista.

This traditional recipe can be made with or without alcohol and is super compact and buttery.

Made with real eggs, sugar, cream, a pinch of vanilla and some seasonings, it's impossible to resist.

Agregue su brandy o ron preferido, o manténgalo libre de alcohol para los pequeños. De cualquier forma, es indispensable.

Elegant, boozy and super strong, the French seventy-five is the kind of drink you would make for a very fancy dinner party.

Best served in flutes, it screams with class and tastes sensational.

A simple yet incredible blend of champagne, gin, lemon juice and sugar, this Roaring Twenties cocktail packs a huge punch.

Take it slowly and you will fall in love quickly.

Moscato slushies are one of the best drinks for summer parties.

This recipe only requires two ingredients, ice and Moscato wine, and is as simple as pour, mix and serve.

Is it simpler than that?

El granizado Moscato agradará a la multitud en despedidas de soltera y barbacoas en el patio trasero. Y siéntase libre de añadir frutas a fin de que sea suyo.

Not only is this drink pretty, but the name itself is an eye-catcher!

It's sort of a cross between a whiskey sour and a margarita (two of my favorites!), and it's exquisitely tart and smooth.

Simplemente agite el tequila con Cointreau, jugo de limón y una clara de huevo, entonces viértalo en un bonito vaso. ¡Sírvelo con cascarilla de naranja y goza!

Your next summer celebration is going to be a hit if you serve these impressively refreshing White Linen cocktails.

A blend of botanical gin, floral elderberry liqueur, fresh cucumber, tart lime and bubbly soda, it's ideal for sunny days poolside.

Use lemon-lime soda if you want it a little sweeter, and feel free to experiment with gin to find new flavors.

Or if gin isn't your thing, use vodka instead!

S'mores are much better when served in a glass.

This cocktail has everything you like about camping without the dirt and smoke in your hair.

Vanilla vodka and Irish cream make this s'mores a delicacy out of reach for little ones (sorry, not sorry!).

But after one sip, you'll feel like a kid again.

Agregue cacao en polvo caliente y leche a fin de que quede más mantecoso y chocolatoso. Entonces decóralo con una llovizna de chocolate y malvaviscos torrados.

¿Sabías que el daiquiri OG es una bebida cubana servida en las rocas? Sí, no es la bebida helada de frutas que todos conocemos y amamos.

Instead, it's a quick mix of white rum, lime juice, and simple syrup.

En realidad, está considerablemente más cerca de un coctel agrio que de una mezcla. Y es súper refrescante tras mucho día bajo el sol.

Este martini de coco es una mantecosa explosión de sabor tropical. Y todo cuanto precisas para hacerlo es vodka, jugo de lima y crema de coco.

Es dulce con un sinnúmero de sabor a limón agrio. Vas a estar tomando este martini a lo largo de todo el verano, ¡así que abastécete mientras que puedas!

The milk punch cocktail is a New Orleans staple that will become your new favorite in no time.

With whole milk, brandy, and a touch of vanilla, it's simple to make and even simpler to love.

The whole milk makes this cocktail super buttery, and the brandy and vanilla are well balanced.

Of course, you can use a dairy-free milk alternative, but keep in mind that the taste and texture will be different.

Another tropical white cocktail that you will love is this coconut batilda.

It's loaded with coconut flavor from coconut milk, coconut water, and toasted coconut.

So, needless to say, if coconut isn't your thing, you might want to cut it out.

But if you enjoy that sweet, nutty flavor, add rum and sweetened condensed milk for a cocktail that's truly incomparable.

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