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Sage: 30 rice with piant with sal

that sage It is an aromatic plant whose name derives from the Latin salvus, ovvero healthy and safe, ed is infatti utilizzata e conosciuta fin dall'antichità dagli antichi Romani e Greci as medicinal plants. Esistono all'incirca 900 species di salvia, the greatest part of the quali if trovano in territori coperti da forestes e montagne, e si trova in quasi ogni continent del mondo.

sage in the kitchen

The foglie della salvia, dal colore grigio-verde, sono Riche di essential oil and sostanze aromatiche, and used very much in kitchen, soprattutto in the ricette coming from the Mediterranean basin. After all the species of salvia, that officinalis is mainly used in the kitchen per prepare moltissimi piatti. The foglie di sage fried in pastella are one of the antipasti best known and loved by all Italy, come amato è il condimento simple (most divine) di burro e salvia per tortellini, agnolotti and other ripiena pasta.

Salvia also sposa wonderfully with meat and fish: ad esempio il lavallo o lo sgombro, il pollo e il vitello (the protagonist of the famous Saltimbocca alla Romana).

Nei dolci Sage can give you a splendid aroma, and is especially used to prepare biscotti, torte morbide and gelato, with the fiordilatte, oppure in sorbetto versions.

Ownership and use of salvia

Once it is used very much in the kitchen, the sage comes fully operational. profumery, liquor store, herbal medicine and pharmacy. Any species of salvia is not commestibili poiche it contains no hallucinogens and is only used as ornamental plants, as splendent salvia, which displays a beautiful pink flower. First of all, an aromatic herb is used mainly in cooking, sage is stata per secoli adoperata in medicine for the dream pharmacological property. With numerous benefits, sage has antiseptic, digestive, diuretic, balsamic and hypoglycemic properties.

Slab foglie vengono ricavati moltissimi oli essenziali (slab proprietà antisettiche), e da tutta la pianta si ricava la salvina (a yellow principle that agisce sull'apparato gastrointestinale), gli phenolic acid and flavonoidsche agiscono in maniera antiossidante sull'organismo mano.

30 rice with sage