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Ricetta Zuppa of Moscardini “atuttodentro”

Step 1:

For the rice, add the muscaardini “atuttodentro”, mix all the ingredients, transfer the cannellini fagioli and the pane, into a casserole, preferably terracotta, and season with six cucchiais of oil and a piece of salt.

Step 2:

Coprite with the coperchio and cook a medium fine fire to the first bollore, mix and continue the sewing for another fifteen minutes (if you use the terracotta tegame, put it on your spargifiamma).

Step 3:

Unite five and five cannellini and continue to cook for another ten minutes, without covering, with a moderate light, paying attention to the fact that it does not do asciughi troppo (if it must be restricted and diventare più espeso).

Stage 4

The zuppa calda or tiepida is served, accompanied by le fette di pane abbrustolite, a filo di olio and a spolverata di prezzemolo tritato.

Step 5:

Abbinamento vino: i vini rosati sono i company ideali dei piatti di pesce con il pomodoro. Il Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo Malandrino two thousand twenty-one by Cataldi Madonna, with gli inviting profumi di piccoli frutti and its struttura di medium intensity, this very good also with i legumi. Yes, you also go to the supermarket. thirteen euros,

Ricetta: Viviana Dal Pozzo, Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada