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Ricetta Polpette di fagioli misti with erbe aromatiche

la fagioli polpette I do not know the delicacy of her “pallina” fritta with the richness of nutrition and the taste of fagioli. I legumi are a very important laughter for our food, and a richness of our territory, whose quality is in the farm so many varieties, some, like i fagioli dell'occhio, from very old times. Perciò abbiamo scelto questa ricetta a base di fagioli misti, ideata da willi lapagliain art @ATavolaconWilli, che li ha preparati nella nostra cucina. It was an interesting experience to share with him there, making her his favorite, pending the one that Willi has told his own love for tradition and, at this time, for the modernity of New York.