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Ricetta Cavolini di Bruxelles, baked fichi and melagrana

Step 1:

For the ricetta of the Bruxelles' cavolini, fichi al forno e melagrana, mondate i cavolini e tenete de parte queche foglia. Tagliateli a metaà e sbollentateli in acqua salata.

Step 2:

Scolateli and adagiateli with the dried fichi tagliati on a plate spread with 2 cups of oil; aggiusta di sale and inform at 200 °C for 20-25 minutes.

Step 3:

Sgranate la melagrana (userete around the goal of the chicchi).

Stage 4

Condite the cavolini and the fichi with 2 cups of tahina and serviteli completing with the chichi of melagrana and the fresh foglie of the cavolini outfit of the part.

Step 5:

Abbinamento wine: punctuate it with a fragrant Prosecco, with a bit of zuccherino residue. We recommend the balance and elegance of Conegliano Valdobbiadene RDO Levante 2020 Extra Dry from Masottina (13 euros,

Ricetta: Caterina Perazzi, Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada