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Ricetta Baccalà montebianco and polenta al forno

Step 1:

For the montebianco baccalà rice and polenta in the oven, pour 1.2 liters of water into the bun, salt it, add the cornmeal and cook, mixing for about 40 minutes.

Step 2:

Spegnete and stretch the polenta in one place to a thickness of 2 cm. Copritela con la pelicola e lasciatela chilled in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Meglio ancora prepares it il giorno prima, lasciandola in frigo.

Step 3:

Tagliatela quindi a bastoncini, dispose them in a teglia foderata with carta da forno smeared with a filo di olio extravergine and cosparsa with a pizzico di sale. Ungeteli and salateli also on the surface and information at 200 °C for 45 minutes.

Step 4:

Tagliate a pezzetti il ​​​​baccalà and unite it in a casserole with the panna and the spicchio di aglio sbucciato. Cook for around 10 minutes; salt, serve yourself, pepate and lasciate raffreddare.

Step 5:

Frullate tutto (flying to remove the oil) with l'aggiunta dell'olio di semi a filo and 55 g of extra vergine oil, obtaining a consistent cream. Serve the baccalà with i bastoncini di polenta.

Step 6:

Wine combination: the creamy così baccalà goes well with an acidulo and floral white. A classic combination in Veneto is that with the Breganze Vespaiolo; I saw il 2021 di Maculan, light and balanced. Reed to the super. €9,50,

Ricetta: ispirata alla ricetta artusiana n. 118, Cuoca: Monia Mercuriali, Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada