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Baccalà alla Trieste recipe, the traditional recipe

Among the emblems of bad cuisine was the Lenten dish, when the religious rule forbade meat. Especially cheap cod (called cod in Veneto) has always been one of the most popular ingredients in the region's cookbooks.

  • 650g potatoes
  • 500 g of wet dried fish
  • 80 g of anchovy fillets
  • parsley
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Sell

Duration: 1h

Level: Easy

Dose: 4 people

For the recipe del baccalà alla Trieste, the traditional recipe, chop the anchovies with a sprig of parsley.
Rinse the dried fish and cut it into small pieces.
Skin the potatoes and cut them very thin, better with a mandolin.
Grease a frying pan with a drizzle of oil and a layer of potatoes. Salt them, sprinkle them with oil, then spread a few pieces of broth, a little chopped anchovies and continue in this order until all the ingredients are used up, finishing with a layer of potatoes.
Season with salt, a little more oil and sprinkle with 1/2 glass of water.
Cook at 170 ° C for about 1 hour, until the potatoes are golden brown and tender. Use it immediately.
Namely: In the whole area of ​​Venetian tradition, cod designates the dried fish, therefore the dried cod, and not the one preserved in salt or cod.

Recipe: Giovanni Rota, Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Style: Beatrice Prada