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Pasta alla sorrentina: the perfect (and irresistible) ricetta

Rossa, shot, irrepressible. He Pasta there Sorrento Say ah lo stesso condiment degli amatissimi Ñoquis, my qualcuno keeps sia ancora meglio. For those who love it, pasta is the perfect saisbio with an overflowing seasoning of saporito and a tocco filante that is not delicious. If you can prepare it in the traditional version, al forno and in the summer variation, my first thought will be all the rice, we will ripassiamo qualche regola.

I three fundamentali: pasta, mozzarella, sugar

The sewing of her paste

To make the fibrous mozzarella, the seasoning and the pasta should be amalgamarsi al formaggio per qualche secondo. If we do not scoleremo the pasta and cook until pasta is come predicted, we will learn to scuocerla and to overci accontentare di un collososo risultato. While we monitor the cooking of the pasta and scoliamola al dente to avoid problems, at best we select the forno version of the pasta there in Sorrento.

Preparation of mozzarella

To avoid our mozzarella “bagni” il sugo de ella pasta, Tagliamola a dadini e facciamola colare bene in uno scolapasta un mezz'ora prima say prepare the rice. In this way you will lose the liquid in eccesso and will be quick to refill our floor. For a better, strizziamola, proper result when we prepare the pizza.

the sugo

Il sugo di pomodoro che avete dal giorno prima is perfect for the pasta alla Sorrento. The addition of mozzarella will transform the final result without perceiving the ripeness of the menu.

If you dovete prepare it invece, fatelo come vi piace di più, ma considere che il risultato sarà migliore utilizzando i pomodoros fresh ramati da sugo. Lavateli accuratamente e poi sbollentateli in a pentola piena de aqua per remove the buccia more easily, remove the semi and tagliateli to fish. Prepare a sugo with extra virgin olive oil, fresh basil and cook in padella a low heat per mezz'ora. For a fresh ancora result, I saw advice on how to prepare it without soffritto.

Sorrento pasta: la ricetta classica

Prepare it as soon as possible and select your preferred short pasta format. If you pay these rice and paccheri, tortiglioni and penne, the reed and fusilli cook well al dente.

dune wash the dough in overflowing acqua salata e Escolatela a paio di minute prima Rispetto at the indicated tempo. Versatela nella padella del sugo che avviato a fiamma bassa, add mozzarella previously tagliata a dadini and mescolate bene serving with qualche fogliolina di basilico.

The variation to the forno

The pasta there in Sorrento is very good even in the oven. To make it, pour the pasta with the sauce in a pirofila, add the mozzarella and inform it in the preheated oven at 200°C for around five minutes. Serve it warm.

A Crude

A curious variation of this piatto, provides for the use of pomodoro and raw mozzarella. Perfect for the freshest hot food and for granting an alternative version with long pasta, even very fast. While the pasta is cooking, prepare a Given the pomodori of private buccia and semi-condita with oil and salt. Scolate the pasta, mescolatela all dadalata and impiattate adding mozzarella and basilico.