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Fresh panna or kitchen panna: which is the best one to use?

When you return you will find the success of the leggere “panna” if you have rice and do not know if it is fresh, it is cooked or panna da kitchen? To avoid any confusion, here is a guide to the differences in the varieties of bread and how to use the best one in your rice.

Come if you make the panna?

The diverse quality of panna if differenziano in base has specific characteristics: il tenore di grassi, la fluidità and il gusto.
All the types of panna, apart from the fresh cream, are ottenute passing il coffee with milk Pastured in a centrifuge that separates it from the grass in its entirety. Dopo que this procedure si ottengono due prodotti: il latte scremato e la panna.
Based on the desired effect, the pan is diluted with different quality of creamy latte.

Wilatlak Villette

It is very important to know that the panna perché is considered to be such and not “cagli” during sewing. It must contain at least 25% of fat matter.

Tipi di panna: a ognuna il suo utilizzo


Reed se non è chiamata “panna” è bene conoscerla e capirne le differenze, soprattutto perché spesso come posizionata sugli scaffali del supermercato di fianco alla fresh panna o da cucina. Esistono due tipi di creme fraiche: the creme fraiche is not pastorizzata liquida che si ottiene dalla scrematura del raw milk dopo that is laughter on the surface, and the born denso (addensata grazie all'introduzione de fermenti lattici) e molto utilizzata a raw per arricchire piatti a base de meat o pesce como il salmone. Also give fine cooking to add rice sauce or sughi. It contains no trambe tra il 30 40% di grassi.

sour cream

If used exclusive raw posed that does not contain abbastanza grass matter (only him 15 – 20%). Its characteristic acidic taste is the best for preparing piatti based on fish and salmon. Nei paesi anglosassoni è cosiddetta sour cream.

Whole liquid fresh panna

This panna always has the cream of the latte and comes sottoposta a pastorizzazione. If you are dealing with a high-quality panel, it is commonly sold with the saying “from Montaré” oppure si può utilizzare en sewing. Contains 35% massa grassa.

Panna da kitchen

The classic cooking pan comes sterilized and this procedure will lose much of the taste of the dough. Reed is especially used in cooking, so it is best to use it raw or in the butter phase, only 20% of the grass coagulates easily.

Panna da cucina UHT

This panna comes sterilized at a very high temperature and if you find out about the UHT definition that means Ultra High Temperature. If you try the classic panna a longa conservation Che si trova negli scaffali at room temperature.
Because of this productive treatment, it loses all the gustatory properties and almost all of the grassy part. In general, it is preferable to use the other types of panna.

Light or diet panna

These types of panna do not have the fat part and come with the product adding the addensanti. If you want to use it in production.