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steroids in bodybuilding

Anabolic androgenic steroids occupy a special role in the life of professional bodybuilders.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone.

Anabolic steroids can be used in bodybuilding primarily to increase muscle mass and strength. In addition, steroids help maintain muscle mass during lean and relief muscle mass work, and increase training efficiency by improving endurance and strength.

Many steroid users take two or more types of steroids at the same time. This way of taking steroids, called stacking, should help users gain weight faster.

The steroid user starts with low doses early in the cycle and gradually increases to higher doses.

The effects of anabolicos online Spain They fall into two main categories: anabolic and androgenic.


  • Significant increase in muscle mass (5-10 kg per month);
  • Increased performance of strength;
  • Increased stamina and performance;
  • Increased number of red blood cells;
  • Strengthening of bone tissue;
  • Decreased fat reserves.

Additional effects:

  • increased appetite;
  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem;
  • Increased sexual desire.

Why steroids?

Steroids are biologically active substances of animal, vegetable or artificial origin. These drugs appeared about half a century ago, when testosterone analogues were first created artificially. Steroids are made from this male sex hormone.

There are more than a hundred types of steroids in the world, with different chemical compositions and properties. Steroid hormones with an altered molecular structure are used in the development of pharmaceuticals for sports use. This type of hormone enhances the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, and various enzymes.

Taking these drugs causes an increase in muscle mass, better metabolism and strength. Under the influence of steroids, energy is stored in the body. AAS are used in medicine to restore the body and in sports as a doping agent. Steroids are widely used in bodybuilding because they increase body building power.

Dostinex and bodybuilding

The main way that Dostinex is used by bodybuilders is to activate a compound that increases prolactin levels in the body.

Many bodybuilders who have taken Dostinex have noticed an improvement in their sleep due to dopamine mimicking. This allows them to sleep longer, deeper and longer.

Experience of use has shown that the optimal Dostinex regimen for reducing prolactin is as follows:

During treatment with progestin-containing anabolic steroids: 0,25 mg (whole tablet or 1/2 tablet) every 7 to 21 days, starting from the third or fourth week of treatment, when the ACC concentration approaches its maximum. The optimal dose and frequency of administration are selected under the control of tests for prolactin level, because the effect of the drug varies and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

If the prolactin level rises above the permissible level, the frequency of administration is increased - 0,25 mg every 4 days. The control test for prolactin should be performed after two doses with consequent correction of the regimen.

The drug is taken both with food and on an empty stomach.

Peculiarities of use:

  • Bodybuilders who used to fight the effects of aging have also found benefits from taking Dostinex;
  • Bodybuilders use Dostinex to combat gynecomastia;
  • Avoid the negative effects on muscle growth of anabolic steroid use.

Dostinex It will give you an advantage over your competitors. In theory, you can train harder and ignore the pain that pushes your muscles to the limit.

In men, on the other hand, prolactin directly affects their sexual life, as well as their alertness, strength and good humor. A low level of the peptide hormone or a high one disturbs the balance of the male body, blood pressure drops, libido decreases, and the nervous system is negatively affected.

The normalized levels of the peptide hormone, which affects the physical body, manifests itself in the stability of the man's psyche, in his mental strength and energy, which is very important for his personal and sports life.