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Top 10 Beef Ribs Recipes

Beef Ribs RecipesBeef Ribs RecipesBeef Ribs Recipes

These beef ribs recipes they are tasty, substantial and exquisite. They're so good they could even wear out your knees.

You can cook beef ribs pretty much any way you like. Throw them on the grill. Put them in the oven. Put them in the slow cooker and let it do all the work.

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Homemade beef ribs

There is no "wrong" way to do it. The trick is to find the most recommended way for you. Just make sure it still leaves the ribs juicy and maximizes the flavor.

My go-to recipes are the ones that put them in the Instant Pot or Slow Cooker. They come out tasty and tender enough to fall off the bone.

Now, let's take a look at these ten beef short rib recipes and see if you can find your favorite.

The secret to spectacular baked ribs is slow cooking them over multiple hours.

Marinating them overnight also helps a lot (although the recipe claims 1-XNUMX hours).

The combination of long marinating and slow cooking is sensational. You are going to have the most tender and juicy ribs you can imagine.

And the taste! Oh my God. It's like perceiving a complete Cajun meal in each and every bite.

They taste so amazing that the sauce is almost optional. I still use it because I like spicy ribs.

But frankly, these would be great even without it.

Remember those old cartoons every Saturday morning? Always and at all times there would be a character who would put a whole rib in his mouth.

Then he would suck on the meat while pulling the bone forward.

When it came out of his mouth, every inch of it was spotlessly clean.

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I feel like you could surely do that with these ribs. That's how meaty they are. And they don't have sauce, so they don't stain either.

The tasty herbal massage gives them all the flavor they need.

If you are more of the rib genre, take a look at this recipe. You'll still be using the slow cooker, but they get even juicier.

I also love the addition of Worcestershire sauce. It adds a briny, somewhat smoky flavor.

Plus, it complements the herbs well and adds more depth to the overall flavor.

Plus, your house is going to smell fabulous while these things are cooking.

Speaking of smoked, there's more to smoke than beef ribs cooked in a smoker! This recipe gives you two options for adding flavor.

You can use a simple mixture of garlic, salt, and pepper. This leaves the ribs considerably softer. They're going to have a hearty flavor with just a hint of smoked garlic.

However, you can also use the optional homemade dressing. This gives them a rich herbal flavor with just a hint of spice.

Either way, they are exquisite and you will not be able to eat just one. Surely it will not even be able to stop at two or 3.

Some people don't like grilling ribs because it dries them out too much. If that's a drawback, try cooking with boneless ribs.

Boneless ribs tend to have more fat and less cartilage. This helps them retain their juiciness and they don't dry out as much, even when cooked over an open fire.

This recipe is great for ensuring your ribs are moist. The gravy mix adds a lot of moisture. After all, it's almost all liquid-based.

There is soy sauce, honey, tabasco and red wine vinegar. These ribs are "going to bleed" when you cut them.

Try them at your next barbecue or cookout. People will love them.

If you just want ribs without all the sauce and seasoning, this is the recipe for you. You need ribs, salt, pepper, * and butter.

The ribs will be juicy, tender and delicious, despite the simplicity of the recipe.

Serve them with bread and a baked potato, and everything is ready.

* You can use a dry seasoning instead of salt and pepper to get more exterior flavor.

These are a sticky mess, but they're so good you won't care. Each bite is infused with tons of oriental flavor.

They taste like something you'd get at your favorite Chinese takeout place. They are tender, and the meat practically falls off the bone.

Plus, the sauce is so amazing you'll want to lick your fingers. (It's also good, because you're going to have a lot on them).

Grab a whole roll of paper towels and relax. You may get dirty, but you'll enjoy every bite.

I'm shifting gears with this one, but it's too good to pass up. Eating short ribs does not necessarily mean eating plain short ribs.

You can also incorporate them into other dishes like this sensational ragu. It has tender and chewy noodles and lots of vegetables.

It's repellent and spicy, and the ribs aren't even the best part.

Prepare this if you want to try something different with your ribs. You won't regret doing it.

If you've ever eaten Korean barbecue, you know how fabulous they are. If you haven't, I envy you.

Because this recipe is about to leave you stunned and dazzle your palate.

These spicy ribs are so sweet and spicy. They have the most amazing balance of sweet and briny flavors.

Every bite is pure bliss.

The texture is also outrageous. You won't believe how soft this meat melts in your mouth.

Until you've tried it, it's pretty hard to imagine anything could taste this good.

If you're new to Korean BBQ, this is the recipe to try first. Don't wait another second to try this bliss.

Here's another simple recipe that makes for hearty ribs that fall off the bone. The meat has a strong, earthy flavor and is impressively simple to cook.

This recipe is the one you will need if you are in a hurry. You can have these ribs on the table in less than forty minutes.

There's no overnight marinating and no six-hour cook time. It will simply take five minutes to set up and another thirty minutes or so to let the Instant Pot do its thing.

Add sauce if you like them spicy, or enjoy them as is. Can't beat that for convenience.

Beef Ribs Recipes