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The experience of parenting and caring as opportunities for growth

Be parents In the XNUMXst century it seems increasingly complicated. The role of mom or dad gives you a lot of happiness, but also a lot of thoughts and worries. Being able to manage family, marital and professional life requires multitasking skills that should not be underestimated. Today, therefore, with mandatory smart work, we have realized how difficult it is to reconcile everything.

While on an economic level the government is trying to provide support as best it can, in the homes of Italians they are trying to react slowly. In the case of families with children, the situation is even more complicated. The news these days is the request of Daniele Novara, made through the pages of the Corriere della Sera: “Among the many refreshments we have forgotten the parents who struggle with children deeply affected by a year of Covid. We offer families a bonus to spend in the form of advice, listening groups, books.” The teacher has fully reached a point perhaps overlooked due to the enormity of the problems in general, but being parents and children today is more complicated than before.

Fortunately, there are enlightened companies that work alongside their employees to help them manage their private lives, the foundation of a smooth career path. The company Andriani Spa in Gravina in Puglia, già Best places to work™ Italia 2021, joins the Lifeed® training program to help all employees transform the experience of parenting into an opportunity to develop valuable transversal skills.

When quality matches respect

Andriani spa is not only the company that has reached the heights of food innovation thanks to its ability to innovate in the food market with its alternative pasta under the Felicia brand, made from naturally gluten-free legumes and cereals. It embodies a new business model that integrates innovation and sustainability and is aimed at the environmental and social well-being of consumers and its employees.

Andriani, in fact, has chosen to assume responsibility for the common good, promoting an inclusive consciousness and culture at all levels and in particular internally, convinced that strengthening pluralism and inclusive practices has positive implications also in terms of competitiveness.

Specifically, only the neighbor May 10, with the approach of Mother's Day, the first meeting of the Lifeed® training program will take place, which involves all employed parents and is composed of digital teachers, webinars and useful tools to strengthen and develop emotional intelligence, authority, the ability to listen and guide, as well as learning to live the experience of parenthood and the reconciliation of work and personal life, developing new skills and discovering the method to transfer them from one area of ​​life to another. In fact, parenthood is a continuous life transition, made up of daily challenges and changes that require the development of interpersonal skills, organizational skills and management skills, general skills that are also fundamental for professional growth and efficiency.