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The candidature of Italian cuisine to Unesco: and adesso?

What can we do now to confirm the candidacy?
“The initiative of thinking and doing continues, senza mai stancarsi. The Italian cuisine, if you say, is the collective rite of an intero popolo. Inside this kitchen of the house all'alta kitchen. Ecco, forse mi piacerebbe create a “dream team” with my greatest Italian chef who will help me present, in the same way as spettacolare, all the movement».

Il Sottosegretario alla Cultura with delegate to all'Unesco Gianmarco Mazzi (ph Gorzegno)


Il cibo è culture? Is this the message we will give?
“Certo, no shadow of dubbio. It is a cultural element that contributes to forming the identity of a popolo, of a nation. Pellegrino Artusi writes “Italian home cooking” without the second goal of the Autumn. “The sense of the historical period is not my sfugge.”

The title is “Italian cuisine through sustainability and cultural biodiversity”: what does it mean?
“It means that Italian cuisine is a florilege of wisdom and traditions of so many diverse territories and reflects the biocultural richness of our country. It is an expression of creativity that can be traced across generations. “Respect for nature and sustainability is, therefore, a fundamental, non-negotiable value.”

Does this mean for the agri-food compartment?
“A great, orgogliosa opportunità di poter promoovere semper più la nostra cucina a livello internazionale, also disseminating it to chi, in the world, the minaccia with products that copy and Italian products and create an incalcolabile damage to our Country. What testimoniano and segnali di apprezzamento giunti dai grandi della cucina nacional. My hanno fatto molto piacere, Massimo
Bottura has moved me. “Li ringrazio tutti, faremo un grande lavoro insieme.”

What is the value of a rich knowledge at UNESCO?
“An inestimable value, which is not commercial or economic, is soprattutto culturale and serves to qualify our cuisine as a living and current element of Italianità for whom we are così loved in the world.”

Do you see if I feel oggi?
“Molto bene.”

Would you have an appeal?
““Stiamo uniti”, as semper Gianni Morandi says, my expensive friend.”

Which is your favorite piatto?
“Spaghetti al pomodoro with a foglia di basilico. Molto al dente, eat piacciono Morandi.”