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Funny Tweets about Babu Frick in The Rise of Skywalker

Each Star Wars first it comes with a wave of opinion and opposition, but then The rise of Skywalker I hope we can all agree on one thing: Babu Frik must be protected at all costs. The teenage droidsmith plays a vital role in the latest installment and steals the show as soon as he makes his adorable debut. People on Twitter can't get enough of this new character. They are even ready to take your breath away from their loyalty to Baby Yoda for Babu Frik. For this Yoda, I'm sorry.

Fun fact: Shirley Henderson, who plays the moaning myrtle in the Harry potter movies, is the voice behind little Babu Frik. She leaves me no choice but to stay! Read on for some of the best memes and tweets from tech geniuses, and consider asking Disney for another Babu Frik trilogy.

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