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Elodie è the protagonist of the February issue of Vogue Italia

A few days after his third participation in the Sanremo Festival as a vocalist in gara, elodie Rilascia un'intervista exclusive a “Vogue Italia” e racconta i suoi progetti per il 2023: un novo disco en uscita, un docu-serie que la vede protagonist y il suo primo live at Mediolanum Forum di Milano. Una conversazione autentica dove l'interprete Romana parla de ella dei suoi successi de ella, degli errorsi, delle paure de ella e de ella difficoltà di una give all'interno del musical panorama Italiano. A non-filtered interview, carried out by Veronica Raimo, Italian writer and winner of the XNUMX Strega Giovani Prize, to know the artist in his most intimate and scoprirne even the fragility, which she neglects and she is right to transform in force .

The secret of the cover is the cure of Giovanni Corabi, an Italian photographer who in 2017 has had his first pass thanks to his participation in the PhotoVogue Festival – the fashion photography festival consapevole ideato by Vogue Italia – and which brings Elodie absolutely natural : an invitation to learn and understand, to say always the truth without the longing for its performance.
The photographer belongs to the Talent Community of PhotoVogue, so this month Vogue Italia dedicates a digital cover and a tribute to the inside of the issue.

Interview with Elodie

A proposito degli errorsi commessi.
“I know nothing about my mistakes, and I found my hate, but because I have a new voice. Communicate that I always hope that he fare with me, that he will be my eternal traveling companion. Ho bisogno di essere amata. Ma poi voglio anche daridio, essere di rupture. Ad esempio I will show my body for me is always a broken gesture.”

In merit there presses dettata dal gendergap.
“Say sicuro ai miei colleghi maschi non è richiesto di sbattersi così mucho. Sei sei un uomo, fai unathing e la fai bene: finisce lì. Mentre io ho la sensation que ci sia semper qualcuno soon to giudicarmi. È un nervo scoperto ed è una algo che mi fa moto incazzare. I sewed my sow from non fare mai abbastanza. “Gli uomini sono meno giudicati.”

Sila is going to be able to fall.
“The pause of my accompaniment is when I sound piccola. Because most of them people see a woman who liberates, liberates also from fare errors, they don't see the time to throw her away. "As she does not have the power to allow the fare of the scelte only for her being, out of her a hair of moglie, of mother, of figlia."