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Will I cook with gas because it will be bad for passive smoke?

Se, finera, abbiamo creduto che il rischio maggiore, a cook with gasPotesse essere quello di ustionarsi, ecco che a new ricerca, condotta dal gruppo non-profit per l'efficienza energetica Clasp, insieme all'Organizzazione Olandese per la Ricerca Scientifica Applicata (Tno), with the support of it European Climate Foundation, ci svela un pericolo altrettanto reale, quanto nacosto: theinvisible evil of dell'aria.

Ci sarebbe, infatti, una alarmante correlazione tra le emiti di forni, piani cottura e fornelli a gas ed effetti negativi sulla salute, tra cui asthma and respiratory distress, soprattutto nei toddler.

Throughout the EU, up to 30% of the rooms use gas for cooking, saving in the case in which they do not need to be eaten. azote bioside (NO2, legato allo sviluppo di asthma nei babies), carbonium monoside (CO), non-combustible methane (CH4) and other information, which may be used in the domestic environment for the use of the ovens. Second to the rice team, the gas cooker uses one hundred and forty-four million European people to operate the indoor kitchen equipment that regularly violates the Ue directive and the guided line of the Oms quality.

The impact of the health of children and adults

The study by Clasp shows how the impact of cooking with the gas on childhood asthma (second and ricercatori è cause of twelve% of the practically) sia comparable to passive smoking. “Tuttavia, a difference di sigarette e automobile, che hanno avvertenze sulla salute per informare le persone sui richi dei livelli di inquinamento”, dicono i ricercatori, “there is no etichetta his questi apparecchi che avverta i consumatori of the potential risks “Per la salute o delle emiti inquinanti derived from the combustion of indoor gas.” For adults, children who use gas cookers may cause negative effects on the brain, respiratory and nervous systems.

To peggiorare il inconvenient dell'inquinamento dell'aria è la usual inadequacy of ventilation: The aspiration cap does not always have access and is not fully efficient when in operation. “The cape used in the case”, below the studio, “are designed to reduce odors and hardly eliminate the biossido of oxide, a harmful agent with negative force. Generally, ventilation is ineffective, deficient or underutilized.”

What a possiamo rate

What should we do to protect our greetings? Second and ricercatori, the best way to replace the gas cooker with efficient electrical alternative to energetic livello, when possible. If this is not the case, you should minimize the exposure to all emissions using electrical appliances such as electric rollers, refrigerators and induction heaters.

To improve ventilation, use the Vacuum cap between the kitchen and for at least ten minutes. Once finished, polish and filter the grass regularly to ensure that the ventilation capacity does not allow the air to flow. I will use the fornelli posteriori che sono più vicini there cappa. Ideally, the cappe dovrebbero directs the aria verso l'esterno, così che i fumi venano diretti fuori dalla cucina. If there is no ventilation system, it is beneficial after finestre but I will change the aria. The ricer's suggestion is also to install and maintain the carbon monoxide lever in the kitchen and in all the chambers of the room.