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Crostata ricotta e amarene: the traditional ricetta

that ricotta and amarene crostata è a ricetta that takes inspiration from dalla Typical Ebraic-Romanesque cuisine, and for this reason it is also noted with the crostata of the Ghetto, the quarters of Rome that are found in the Portico d'Ottavia area, in which the largest ebraic community of Italy is born. The traditional ricetta di this cake prepares the visciole al posto delle amarene.

What was the visciola?

The vision is sono delle ciliegie a little less sweettypical of the laziale territory.
If you do not risk repeating a confettura sour cherry For this ricetta, potete utilizzare also a classic confetture di ciliegie o di amarene, oppure delle amarene sotto sciroppo, anche intere, che renderanno questo dolce ancora più bello al taglio e molto gustoso.

The traditional ricetta of the Ebraico ghetto in Rome

The crostata with ricotta and visciole comes traditionally racchiusa in a guscio di pasta frolla Perched in the '700s it was vietata agli ebrei la vendita dei latticini ai cristiani. Due to the fact that the pasta is fried, it is time to discover the delicious pasta.
Oggi potete trovarla also prepared as a classic crostata aperta, con le strisce di frolla sopra.

Ricetta della crostata di ricotta and amarene


For the pastry

160 g butter
Scorza di 1 lemon
130 g of zucchini
1 pinch for sale
1 egg
2 yolks
350 g flour 00
1 teaspoon of yeast

For the stuffing

450 g pecora ricotta
1 egg
150 g of zucchini
3 cucchiai with maraschino
350 g confettura di visciole (oppure amarene or ciliegie)


Prepare the ricotta cream setacciandola and poi mescolandola with the zucchero, an egg and three cucchiai of liquor maraschino.
Lasciate relearns the filling in the refrigerator and immediately prepares the rubs.
Mount the morbid donkey with the zucchero, the gratugiata scorza del limone and a pizzico di sale.
Unite the whole egg and amalgamate with the rough, dopodiché unite with everything and with the other.

Spread the flour with it lievito setacciato The mix with the fine mani has formed a homogeneous pan that must be stored in the refrigerator for one hour in the film.
This frolla is a morbid abbastanza, but if you don't risk cooking it, season it with a little bit of farina.
A quick volta e raffreddata la rolla, divide it at the due party and spread the base with the material.

Dress up a tortiera imburrata and infarinata of the diameter of around 25 cm and ttete alla base the confetti.
Coprite with the ricotta cream and then complete with the remaining pasta, this with the matterello oppure tagliata a strisce.
report at 180° for about 45 minutes in static oven.

Come scegliere the ricotta

Abbiamo detto che per questa ricetta è essenziale che sia un ricotta di pecora.
We recommend that it is very important that it is also fresh and quality.
Do not purchase it packaged, but place it on the refrigerator bench and purchase it from a product to ensure the highest quality. Being the main ingredient of this cake, it is important that it is very fresh!