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how to eat? Ecco the migliori rice | The Italian Kitchen

EL aringhe smoking I sounded like a simple piatto that was part of it culinary tradition say molti paesi dell'Europe settentrionale it's coming, piano piano, also sulle ours table.

The scientific name of this fish is clupea harenguspart of the big family blue fish, long life soprattutto in the Atlantic Ocean and is completely submerged in the Mediterranean Sea. HE aringhe smoking I am a fish from the decided sapore, characteristic that derives from the technique of conservation che, oltre to render it decidedly glad to render it utilizzabili in kitchen practically in all the period of the year.

Perched fa bene mangiare the aringhe

EL aringhe smokingInoltre, it is a food with otitime proprietà nutrii e benefiche per la saluta del nostro body. I am rich in mineral salts like potassium, calcium and phosphorus, in vitamin A, I contain a good percentage of protein e a content ridotto di lipidi. Pennsylvania fish ricchi di acidi grassi pollinsaturi, responsible for the maintenance of bassi livelli di trigliceridi and della riduzione dei livelli di cholesterol and a great source of Omega 3Support necessary to ensure the good operation of the system cardiovascular and numerous organs and fabrics, like skin and eyes.

Dove if I found the ring I bought

EL aringhe smoking If I find myself alone, I don't negotiate, if I sell the baccalà, the alici salate, the olive, the capperi sotto sale oppure nei neighborhood Markets e nei left specializzati dei supermarkets. Per essere sicuri di scegliere what is necessary to the council is what the control will be gill The fish are pink-red in color, the occhio he is alive and spongy and with a black pupil, the body is rigid and sodo, with him dandruff aderenti Il loro odore deve essere gradevole, recordare il pond my delicate communication

He sapore particulare delle aringhe smoking if you ask for perfection with ingredients like onionthe potato, i cavolfiori and the barbarietole, my cane with citrus and insalata Accoppiamenti che rendono perfette per antipasti, contour e secondi piatti dal deciso taste.

Scopriamo 3 ricette veloci che si possono prepared with the ringhe affumicate

Insalata shuba (russa) with aringhe affumicate: the ricetta


200 g of potato
150 g of loin of aringhe affumicate
150 g carrot
200 g of red barbabietol
3 glass of soda
cipolla qb
qb maionese
dirty qb
pepper as needed