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Kinder Ricetta Brioche


    Step 1:

    Fate intiepidire 160 g di latte e scioglietevi il lievito sbriciolato; Mixed with the oil of sunflowers and infine the donkey, fuso dolcemente; Add this mixture, a little alla volta, all mixed flour with 100 g of zucchero, adding i tuorli and a salt dam.

    Step 2:

    Wash the filling finché non otterret una palla compatta; Copritela e fatela lievitare for 1 hour.

    Step 3:

    Lay out the impasto lievitato on a placca foderata with carta da forno: dovrà avere one thick di 7-8 mm; Sprinkle it with a little latte and lasciatelo lievitare anchor for 1 hour. Report at 200°C for 20 min. Sfornate, copy and destination raffreddare.


    Step 4:

    Scald gently 250 g of latte with 70 g of zucchero and the baccello di vaniglia incised for the lungo.

    Step 5:

    Mixed and mixed 50 g latte with cornstarch. Unite this compost, outside the fire, to the latte broth and temperate well with a frusta. Reportate sul fuoco, semper basso, e mescolate finché la crema non si réveilde. Spegnete and fate raffreddare.

    Step 6:

    Assemble the panna and unite it with the cream ormai fredda. Lasciate will rise in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

    Step 7:

    Cut the brioche dough into three layers in an orizzontal direction, spread out with the cream and ricomponetela. Ritagliatela infine in 20 brioches (4×10 cm).


    Step 8:

    Fondete il cioccolato a bagnomaria, raccoglietelo in a tasca da pasticciere e formate delle strisce. One turn I distribute the cioccolato use it and receive it from the forchetta to create decorum. Potete replaces the cream with confettura di albicocca, like the industrial version nella primissima. Consume the brioche between 48 hours.