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Biscotti di Natale da fare en padella: speed | The Italian Kitchen

He native if avvicina grew passi. If you don't know what I'll give to you, my seven from the “I love cooking” team, now I won't prepare Christmas cookies Fatti in casa, da poi imbustare e chiudere con dei graziosi nastrini? A'idea refund Fatta con il cuore e con le vostre mani.

But I don't know if the oven is available or not if I turn on the oven and don't know how to cook and biscotti, because I'm not farli in paddle? Qui sotto trovate la rice stepWhile the fine article slides in the background, I'll see anything suggestion to decorate or to dress in a suggestive way.

I biscotti di Natale in padella: the ricetta


150 g flour 00
50 g courgette semolate
60 g butter
15 ml of coffee with milk
3 g of lievito per dolci
1 vanilla bean
1 pinch for sale
zucchero to veil qb


First of all, try to find a tool in which to set the flourHello cup sugarHe yeast and dirty. Add him cold butter To touch and wash the paste, fine to render it homogeneous. Now add it latte there vanilla and impasto anchora, but I will obtain a dense and homogeneous impasto.

create a shovel and spread it with l'aiuto di un matterello over two fogli di carta oven (per non farlo attackcare), lasciendo the pasta high about mezzo centimeter. Ora munitevi di stampini a tema (a forma di albero di Natale, di omino pan di zenzero, di Babbo Natale) e ricavate dei cookiesIt spreads over a teglia federata with the oven card, it will cool for a quarter of an hour in the fridge.

Nel lies, risk it non-slip padel And fatevi cuocere poi i biscotti: girateli ogni cinque minuteti, finché non sono ben dorati sulla surface. Fateli raffreddare e poi, se piace, cospargeteli di zucchero a velo.

Other consigli utili per prepare i biscotti