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Besciamella perfect? Come prepare it and keep it

Besciamella perfect? È più facile di quanto si pensi; Just a few attentions to get the hot results. Pot to vary consistency and flavor by selecting the rice. You can also keep it and regenerate it at the time of use.

The basic formula

Taking into account that it is easier to “dilute” a besciamella that is too consistent than to correct one that is too liquid, it is the best part of a ricetta that guarantees a piuttosto soda sauce:
60 g of flour and 60 g of donkey per 1 liter of coffee with milk is the ideal ratio of means. To prepare the besciamella perfetta sciogliete il burro in the casserole, add the flour and fatela cuocere mixing. Unite poi il latte, pour a bollore mixing quindi cook for 2-3 minutes, infine salt, pepate and perfume with noce moscata, but it is optional. For an ancora più spessa sauce, increase burro e farina to 80g ciascuno.


already augusto escoffier, che nel suo trattato Guida alla Grande Cucina dedicated a very long capitolo alle salse, aveva foreseen that “in a short time amido, fecola, or arrow-root stratti to a lifello of absolute purity, and will replace the flour nei roux”. In effect, the amido has its very best function and has a shorter cooking time. For a beast (che possiamo chiamare) crema di latte added) without farina, of the stessa constanza of the base formula, use amide to the post of the farina. It will slightly change the preparation procedure: pour from the liter of latte a bicchiere, in which it sciogliere l'amido. Scald the rest of the latte and, when it starts to boil, unite the sciolto amido. Cuocete per few minutes, fino a che addensa. Otterrete a più leggera sauce, and no donkey.

Come to preserve and regenerate it

The besciamella andrebbe used suddenly, perched raffreddandosi if ispessisce e formed a film on the surface. Tuttavia, poiché a stabile sauce, if you can also keep it: cover it with the skin on contact, and keep it in the fridge, fine for 2-3 days. At the time of the new use, drink regenerate it by scalding it again, and mixing it with the frusta. Eventually, add a goccio di latte, fine to raggiungere di nuovo a velvety consistency. Potete also stir it with the mixer to immerse, first heat it delicately.