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Agretti: how to clean them easily

la aggretti they are part of the vegetables that herald the arrival of spring. They are also called bearded brother (due to their long and sharp shape very similar, in fact, to the beards of the brothers) but in some parts of Italy they can be found under the name of rosani or lischi.

Very versatile in the kitchen, with their slightly tart flavor, these vegetables are perfect for low calorie diets because they do not contain carbohydrates, have very few calories and are rich in cleansing and diuretic properties.

In the kitchen, they are perfectly suited to many recipes, also because they have an excellent texture, unlike many other vegetables, too After cooking.

Before using the aggretti in the kitchen, however, it is necessary clean them the right way, to avoid eliminating even the good eating part. The procedure It is not difficult but it takes time because it has to be done for each plant.

How to clean agretti: the step-by-step procedure

The first thing to do when cleaning the aggretti is to take the bunch of vegetables and, from each bunch, take out with a knife the reddish end, which is the root of the vegetable and is not eaten. The second step is remove the ruined leaves and set clean plants aside when they are ready.

The agretti must be rinsed plenty of fresh water and soak in a full container. The water, always very fresh, must be changed several times. Therefore, the agretti go dry slightly before cooking or preparing other recipes.

Once do household chores - as mentioned - they can be used in the kitchen as Garrison, can be added to a First course, make a thin shoulder for a second of meat and fish. if you can boil, steam, sauté then combine them with the many dishes Italian cuisine with which they go wonderfully.