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120 years of carbon neutrality

Per due giorni di brindisi to Villa Margon, headquarters of the Cantine Ferrari gives little restaurant and is always open to the public, if I am avvicendati familiari, amici, collaboratori, autorità, impprenditori, sports, chef e sommelier to celebrate i 120 anni di successi dell'azienda .

In 1902, when giovane Giulio Ferrari, born in 1879, founded in Trento quella che chiamerà Fabbrica Champagne G. Ferrari e Da allora è è change, ma la rezione indicated dal fondatore, l'attenzione alle persone, il link with the territory Trentino, the son of bollicine produrre that possano will compete with i migliori Champagne and the spasmodic research of perfection, sono invariati e consolidati.

Questi valori guidano la famiglia Lunelli da 1952, cioè da quando, 70 anni fa, Bruno Lunelli acquired Giulio Ferrari's wine house.

The third generation and Carbon Neutrality

Oggi c'è la terza generazione a guidare l'azienda: mateopresident and deputy director of Ferrari Trento; Marcelowinemaker and vice president, Camila, director of communication and external relations; Alexander, responsible for the technical office and other activities of the Lunelli Group and the family. And the loro visione not only generate value for the azionisti, but also benessere, sicurezza e beauty per chi lavora in azienda e por la comunità locale que la ospita.

Ecco perched the impegno in the field of the environmental sustainability e social di Ferrari Trento not so closed. Neanche quest'anno dopo aver ottenuto lacertazione di Carbon Neutralitythe reduction to zero of the climatic impact of the broadcast directly, and also indirectly, of the canteen and the biological certification The “friend of biodiversity” di tutti i vigneti di proprietà.

“We celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Cantine Ferrari dopo to have a record year and we are particularly proud that this important work coincides with the Carbon Neutrality raggiungimento”, dichiara Matteo Lunelli, president and CEO of Ferrari Trento. “For 120 years our cantina has a virtuous rapport with the territory that we would like to promote and protect. The attention to sustainability is always part of our way of printing and the reduction and compensation of CO2 emissions is a further testimony of this commitment that we share with our team. At the moment when we celebrate our history, we would like to save the future and accept the responsibility of giving our contribution to sfida against climate change”.

That celebration is the state of the occasion to share with friends and collaborators the innovative beauty of Villa MargonGioiello cinquecentesco in mezzo ai vigneti e headquarters for the presentation of Gruppo Lunelli, notwithstanding its wonderful affreschi, it documents the historical vocation of this territory to the production of wine.